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exhibitions & events 2024

each body wakes up on a wave - Rudy Kanhye & Lauren La Rose

each body wakes up on a wave - Rudy Kanhye & Lauren La Rose
Glasgow Print Studio First Floor Gallery
Exhibition Runs: 07 June - 27 July, 2024

Preview: 06 June 2024

each body wakes up on a wave

Rudy Kanhye & Lauren La Rose

with Ines Gradot, Sabe Lewellyn, Aurelie Chan Hon Sen, Natasha Soobramanien & Luke Williams

Curated by Rudy Kanhye and Lauren La Rose

See works from the exhibition here

For Glasgow International Festival of Contemporary Art, Glasgow Print Studio is delighted to present each body wakes up on a wave, bringing together artists using diverse print and printmaking techniques to address themes of empire, migration and transcultural solidarity.

Through touch, heat, taste and play, the artists explore entanglements and tensions that characterise creole pluricultural landscapes while underscoring Mauritian diaspora as a case study for transculturalism and alterity.

Curated by Rudy Kanhye and Lauren La Rose, the exhibition intertwines new artwork, archival visuals, innovative textile installations, and photographs sourced from archives and libraries in Mauritius and the UK.

The exhibition delves into the collective memories of individuals who embody migrant communities, shedding light on diverse geopolitical narratives, systems of labour and untold new economies built by underrepresented women and their resonance within the broader experiences of diasporic individuals. each body wakes up on a wave serves as a testament to the immense power of art to challenge and enhance our understanding of contemporary life, “Art liberates what the archives obliterate”(Mauritian and French poet, Khal Torabully)

This project has been assisted by Creative Scotland, CHARTS, Aapravasi Ghat Trust, National Library of Mauritius, the Mahatma Gandhi Institute, the Intercontinental Slavery Museum, Pamplemouse Botanic Garden, Blue Penny Museum, Unlimited and Disability Arts Online. 

See works from the exhibition here

More information here

Kanye & La Rose at GPS

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Image: Rudy Kanhye & Lauren La Rose, Cake Seller, 2024, screenprint. Rudy Kanhye & Lauren La Rose at GPS (photography by Fiona Watson).


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